When creating something, it’s best to follow a recipe! Orlando event planning can be done the same way. To help you plan the best possible event, we’ve laid out a party recipe that’s as easy as pie!
The Crust
First, you’ll want to roll out an outline of what you want your party to look like. Budgeting, though tedious, is essential in hitting the goals you need to hit for your event. Allocate funds to each category in your party plan. Shape your event by prioritizing things you need versus things you want to have. If you max out without planning out each aspect, adjust your plan so that you can afford all necessities. Maybe you need a few more dollars for catering because you forgot to include drinks in your plan? Pinch a little from each other category until you have the perfect budget. This framework will be the structure your party needs!
The Filling
Using your budget, make a list of everything you need to acquire before the day of the party. By getting all your ingredients together ahead of time, there will be less room for something to go wrong. A great way to eliminate confusion and chaos is by selecting a theme. A theme will keep everything unified and look great. In addition to that, themed party supplies are usually sold together or near each other, making your job easier. Be sure to plan out music, catering, entertainment, schedule, and favors! Filling your event with the perfect decorations, supplies, and attendees are essential for success.
The Topping
Whipped cream, streusel crumbles, and powdered sugar—yum! The final touches of your party pie are essential. Setup for your party should be finished at least two hours before showtime, to make sure nothing is missing and nothing goes wrong! This will allow ample time for you to look at everything put together and assess last minute touches. And of course, take the perfect photo before everyone digs in!
When aiming to plan the perfect party, your structure, decorations, supplies and finishing touches are all important pieces. If you properly execute these three categories, your Orlando event planning will truly be as easy as pie!