Virtual Team Building & Your Company

Building a sense of trust with a family-like atmosphere is easy when you all work in the same building for hours a day. However, is it the same with those who work virtually? How often, if ever, do they see their coworkers? Fun Planners know about the complexities that come with Orlando team building when you have no choice but to build that professional relationship online. Follow these four team building methods to ensure that your team can thrive just as much as those who physically meet.


  • Encourage the Chit-Chats: When working alone, people tend to miss out on the various small talks that occur throughout the day. Small conversations, such as discussing who wants coffee or what one each other’s weekend plans are, is what develops the relationships between employees. For remote teams, try to spend the first couple minutes of meetings to share personal updates or photos of any events.
  • Reply All: Try to send an email to the team or group with an icebreaker question. Make sure to have everyone reply with the “reply all” option so that everyone can receive each other’s answers. This will slowly, but surely, allow the team to get to know one another more.
  • Let the Games Begin: Push for team engagement by participating in online games. This will, in turn, bring in the competitive spirit and will help employees bond. Moreover, this will create a rapport that will come in handy later when work needs to be done. Web-based games or a customized set of trivia questions are great options.
  • A Cup of Joe for All: With Wi-Fi being readily available nearly everywhere these days, connecting to coworkers outside of the office is easy. Although physical meet-ups in an office aren’t going to happen, setting up coffee meetings can be a nice alternative. Each team member can go to their local coffee shop and connect with one another online for any updates or scrums.

Shockingly, 65 percent of remote employees have stated that they have never participated in a team bonding session. Encouraging virtual teams to build a professional, yet personal relationship, is essential as a solidified teamwork is needed to get work done. Orlando team building experts, Fun Planners, would like to challenge all virtual teams to try these four methods to increase communication and collaboration. If you would like more information on team building, call Fun Planners at 407-880-3521.