3 Team Building Exercises that Actually Work

Sixty percent of employees are lacking in what it takes to be highly engaged. Yet, 82 percentof employees addressed that it’s important to resolve any employee engagement issues. Out of all the employees, 69 percent of them have reported that engagement is a clear problem in their company or organization. The issue is not what, but more like how. Fun Planners specializes in Florida team building that can and will work for you.


  • Initiate Communication: If there seems to be a shortage of communication in the workplace, set up a hands-on team building event to get the talking going. This will be one of the simplest ways to establish a time of bonding while having fun. The benefits will be lasting as it will help the team be able to work together to accomplish larger goals in the future.
  • Practice Communication: Proper communication isn’t going to happen through just one team building event. Instead, continuous exercises and games are needed to build and maintain it. Planning different methods to encourage communication is not just for having fun but is vital to the workplace overall. When done right, the team will have better confidence, focus, and the ability to listen to others.
  • Nurture Communication: Having activities in the workplace on a daily basis can help employees for more engaged throughout the day. Technology can play a huge part by helping different communication strategies be carried out. Gamification is the process of using various gaming elements in a non-game setting to increase productivity. By requiring participating in a fun environment, gamification will push for good habits that nurture communication within the team.

Team building exercises are a necessity for all organizations, whether big or small. If communication is present, try these exercises to have the level of communication grow. If it seems to be lacking greatly in your organization, implementing these exercises regularly will help your team’s communication expand greatly. For any assistance on your next Florida team building event, contact Fun Planners at 407-880-3521 to see how we can help.