Whether you’re hosting a fundraiser, organizing a corporate retreat, or planning any other kind of event, you want your organization to stand out. To get people talking about your next event, harness the power of social media by making a custom hashtag. Fun Planners, the leaders in Orlando event planning, want you to know how to create a custom hashtag to boost engagement at your next event.

The Power of Hashtags
On social media apps like Twitter and Instagram, users can search for hashtags to see what others are saying about a topic. The apps group together posts with the same hashtag so users can quickly see all the posts associated with a tag. Using a hashtag allows you to pull together a conversation around your event, and helps social media users easily find images and interactions from your event.
Choosing A Hashtag
When you come up with your event’s custom hashtag, consider these factors:
- Length: You only get 140 characters when you type out a Tweet, so users will be more likely to use a short hashtag. Aim for about five to 12 characters.
- Relevance: Your hashtag should signify something about your event. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, sites like Hashtagify.me and RiteTag can help you generate hashtags using your business, location, and type of event.
- Memorability: You want a hashtag that will stick in your guests’ minds, so that when they want to look up the event on social media, they can remember what hashtag to search. For this reason, you should refrain from long chains of initials (#ASCCF5K19) and stick to words or syllables your guests can pronounce in their heads (#PhiDeltFun).
- Originality: Perhaps most importantly, your custom hashtag should be unique. Before you make the final decision, search your hashtag on Twitter and Instagram to ensure no one else has already used that tag, lest your event gets confused with another one.
Once you choose your hashtag, it’s time to get it out there! Use your custom hashtag in all your marketing social media or blog posts leading up to and during your event. You can even display your hashtag on posters, fliers, or other print materials with a call to action for readers, such as “Join the conversation with #FLFUNdraiser on social media!” Don’t forget to engage with people using your hashtag; like, reply, and retweet posts with the tag to maximize engagement!
With a custom hashtag, your next event can stand out and keep your guests engaged with your organization long after the night ends. To find out even more ways to maximize your event’s potential, call the Orlando event planning experts at Fun Planners at 407-955-4949.