The main purpose of Florida team building is to increase morale, productivity and efficiency in the workplace. So, what better time to begin teambuilding, than when you build a new team? Your new, all-star team is probably composed of 6-10 individuals with a variety of different, yet compatible, skills and experience.
If you thought selecting this magical new group of coworkers was hard, now you get to have a kick-off event for you newly formed team. Your kick-off event could be a simple luncheon or a whole day filled with activities for the newly established team–we’ll let you decide which they would appreciate more. Either way, putting a group of individuals with different personalities, experience, and cultural backgrounds in a confined space is not as easy as it may sound. A properly planned kick-off event, filled with team building activities, will help your team understand the teams goals, and establish a structure, while building momentum and personal relationships. There are two ways to properly kick-off your newly formed group’s Florida team building event:
Physical Team Building Activities. A physical team building activity will allow your new team to work together to accomplish a goal. Whether that physical activity requires very little strenuous activity or is as rigorous as completing an obstacle course, the end result will be the same. Small groups will work together to solve problems, designate tasks, encourage one another, and accomplish goals.
Mental Team Building Activities. These activities involve mental problem solving. It also allows individuals within the team to get to know each other. Communication, listening and motivation are all highlighted and promoted through mental team building activities.
It has been proven that teams that share commitment, energy and creativity, far surpass other teams. The key factor to a teams success is communication. Who talks to whom, how they speak with one another and how often they talk, are all far more important than individual intelligence, personality, and skill, combined. You didn’t combine this group to work well individually, you combined them to accomplish goals as a unified group–help them form the bonds and respect necessary to accomplish that goal.
Consider a compilation of both mental and physical team building exercises when kicking-off your new team. Contact the Florida team building experts at Fun Planners for your new team’s kick-off event. It is our goal to make your new team productive, confident and comfortable with one another.
It’s important to note that the following information applies to a newly formed team, or a preexisting team that is looking to reformat their tasks and goals.