Inside or Outside? Event Venue Pros and Cons

Planning an event in Orlando can be difficult, especially when it comes to picking a venue. Florida weather can be temperamental, but Orlando also has some of the best outdoor venues to be found. Although the perfect venue depends on your event, here are some things to consider when deciding whether you want an indoor or outdoor venue.

When the weather is good, guests will enjoy being outside for festivities. Outdoor venues provide a great ambiance and beautiful, natural views, and there’s less need to worry about decoration.

Outdoor venues will generally be less expensive than indoor options, and may even be free to use! If you’re planning an event during a good weather season, this is a huge financial boon.

With an outdoor venue, you don’t have to worry about running out of space or guests feeling cramped. More people can come to your event, and you’ll have more room for activities and themed decor!

Weather can change in a snap, and if your event is planned in a rainy season, you might want to avoid an outdoor venue. Rain can ruin an event, and if it’s too hot, guests likely won’t appreciate being outside. You also run the risk of losing decorations and signs to the wind.

It’s important to have easily available bathrooms at your event, and with an outdoor venue that can be tricky. If the facilities are too far away, it could prove a big hassle.

Having an outdoor event has the added challenge of dealing with pests like mosquitos, wasps, and ants. Food can quickly attract flies and other unwanted diners.

With an indoor event, you have complete control over the weather and temperature! Even if the weather outside is harsh, an event can easily be enjoyed from inside.

Power Supply
You don’t have to worry about where or how you’re going to power any electrical devices because indoor venues typically come equipped with power. They also offer controlled lighting, so your event can continue well into the night.

Flexible Decor
Barring fire hazards, there’s no limit to your idea of the perfect decorations for your event. No weather will interfere with your setup, and you can let your vision run wild.

With an indoor venue, you run the risk of running out of space! Indoor venues tend to get cramped fast, and that can slow down an event like nothing else.

Indoor venues can be expensive and hard to book at the right times. If you’re planning to have a long event or are scheduling on a short notice, this might not be the best option.

It can be almost impossible to find an indoor venue in the winter because the weather will force indoor venues to be in high demand. If you’re planning a winter event, be sure to book your venue well in advance of the season.

Venues can make or break an event! Our experts can help you with any Orlando event planning needs, from the best venue to the best entertainment. To learn more about how to plan a perfect event, check out our blog!