Post-Event Survey Questions

The leftover food is put away, the tables are wiped down, and the chairs are stacked; the event has come to an end. However, one of the most important parts of an event happens afterward — it’s time to get feedback from the attendees. Based on the type of event you planned, choose 5-10 relevant questions from the lists below, and you’re sure to get your guests coming back year after year!

Open-Ended Questions

  1. What did you like most about the event?
  2. What did you like least about the event?
  3. What were your favorite sessions?
  4. How did you hear about this event?
  5. How will this conference improve your skills and work?
  6. Do you have any topic or speaker suggestions for future events?
  7. Do you have any additional suggestions or comments to help us improve our future events?
  8. If you would like to provide a quote for promotional use, please include here with your title and occupation. (Name/company optional.)

Yes Or No Questions

  1. Was this the first time you attended one of our events?
  2. Was the staff polite and helpful?
  3. Was the speaker engaging?
  4. Did the conference meet your expectations?
  5. Did you feel prepared coming into this event?
  6. Was there enough time for discussion? (if applicable)
  7. Did you have enough time to get in between sessions? (if applicable)
  8. Did you have an opportunity to ask questions during the event? (if applicable)

Likert Questions

  1. Please rate the following: the date, the catering, the speakers, the location, and the vendors.
  2. How would you rate the value of this event/conference?
  3. How would you rate our communication leading up to this event?
  4. How would you rate the on-site arrival and registration process?
  5. Based on your experience, how likely are you to attend future events?
  6. How likely are you to recommend our events to a friend/colleague?
  7. How would you rate the quality of the keynote speaker? (if applicable)
  8. How would you rate the length of sessions versus the length of break sessions? (if applicable)
  9. In your opinion, did the event meet its objective?
  10. Overall, how would you rate the event?

It’s important to keep your survey short and sweet! This helps guarantee responses. Once you’ve discovered how to make your event even better next year, contact the Orlando event planning experts at Fun Planners to find out how we can help.